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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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turkey gives the green light to military operations beyond the country's borders following wednesday's deadly shelling from syrian territory. and as the west rushes to blame president assad for the cross border violence moscow calls for restraint on both sides and highlights the lack of global condemnation for the terrorism that killed dozens and eleven. and athens erupts as protesters stormed the greek defense ministry and the latest show of despair in the struggling country.
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thank you for joining our tionne karen terrill to broadcast into from our studio in moscow we go now to our developing story turkey's parliament us all the rise the military to engage and cross border armed operations following the shelling of a town from syrian territory on wednesday meanwhile tension on the border is a worsening with turkey renewing its retaliatory shelling of its war torn neighbor for a second day artie's middle east correspondent paula slayer brings us more. as expected the turkish parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favor of the wising military operations in syria what this does mean is that it now has given the green light for cross a border operations the deputy turkish prime minister though has gone on record as saying this is not a declaration of war but it certainly is sending out very warring messages now while this meeting of the parliament was being held in the capital city of
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vancouver outside and he was protesters were chanting slogans such as a no to war the syrians all our brothers used tear gas to disperse this crowd of antiwar demonstrators but certainly it's another sign of just how fluid and how intense the situation is at the moment turkey continue to fire artillery at syrian targets into the early hours of tuesday morning the exact extent of the turkish operation is still unclear but according to several sources there were several syrian soldiers who were killed in these military strikes the turks also called for an emergency meeting of of nature and that was held on wednesday night in brussels urging for the united nations to take action and mississippi steps to stop what they are calling syrian aggression so certainly the turks again very quick to go on the offensive look syrian side they are urging restraint they have formally given
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condolences to the families and friends of those who were killed and at the same time that they have said they are launching an investigation it's still not clear who exactly fired this mortar into territory it did land in a residential building killing five members of one family and through that injuring another thirteen people all turkey approves cross border military operations small scale is calling for calm on both sides and to engage in dialogue sean thomas has more on the russian foreign ministry's reaction. the international community hasn't been quick to condemn the actions of syria but sergey lavrov calling on a more reasonable diplomatic and restraint a reserve approach if you will he says that both sides it's important for them to engage in dialogue specifically in the flight of the recent events where turkey has approved military involvement to to go across the border now he also says that if a syria is to blame for this incident on wednesday then they should make
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a public statement saying that as much now damascus has in turn stopped short of claiming responsibility but has said that this was a tragic mistake and is assured that they will work hard to try and prevent mistakes like this from happening in the future now this also comes out during a week of a much more violence in syria specifically in aleppo a town at near the border which saw four blasts and thirty people dead in relation to this and usually the west is quick to condemn a. terrorist actions like this but when it comes to syria they seem to turn a blind eye this is what sergei lavrov had to say about that. we cannot ignore other aspects of the syrian tragedy yesterday a series of terrorist attacks killed dozens of people but for several months our partners at the u.n. refused to condemn terror attacks on syrian territory the u.n. security council always stresses that there is no excuse for terrorism and the fact
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of their western colleagues refrain from that position now regarding what terrorists do in syria is a very worrying signal. now is specially in light of recent events with of the turkish parliament agreeing that they're allowed to use military across the border into syria two important focal points number one the international community has to acknowledge that there is terrorist activity in syria and number two syria and turkey need to open their lines of communication and discuss things so things don't get out of hand. political analyst patrick henry. there is being force to protect its interests as turkey provides a safe haven for terrorists active in the conflict country syria has no interest in starting a war with turkey is any commonsense person or commentator would look at it but the government seriously well within its right to criticize turkey and to defend itself after all when your neighbor is providing bases for terrorist groups large groups
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and turkey has been doing this is far back as last year they've been providing a safe haven for terrorists from the free syrian army and al-qaeda so in that situation you have to think. any countries within its right to object to that and it could lead to an altercation but the way it's being framed in the media and in the west is that syria has aggressed its neighbor this is a typical kind of bait false flag baiting sort of exercise that the western governments and their intelligence agencies are very skilled at and they're also skilled at spinning that in the media to then further their own agenda and the agenda in this case is a collapse of the syrian state and regime change and some of the few dominoes that are of the fallout of that happened as we heard from our correspondent earlier paula slayer not everyone in turkey is happy with their country amplifying its military rhetoric let's now talk to an organizer of a protest movement called global noise turkey who prefers not to be named to
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protect their safety well thank you for joining r.t. we've already seen one protest against the parliamentary debate today now that the decision has been made do you see an escalation of the anti-war movement in turkey . well he hopes to have because this is the. site you know as a protest of what is it today only in the early this morning there was this he stumbled and now cannot. address these. there's also so there's a missive my curiosity of the people in jerky he says something like this in turkey here and with the war there with the neighbors the old global you know heroes are against the war and so so we are expecting we're hoping your message there is not an issue about the global answer we're moving movements are coming back again and you're hurting for news. now is syria the only reason for the spike in protest activity in turkey and the nosies. this government to be so coroutines only there
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was many many different struggles of going on in provence nation against the economy just as they used to nation their geisha and every kind of the protestant last week there was a message mobilization against the new role over. a certain age is three sentiments there was a message of resistance for a bit so it is a. distinct that i mean these tension is on top of this and maybe get to unite all the the all the violence groups and protests that how developed citizens feel about turkey's possible military involvement in syria even though civilians have died though this is you know this is unacceptable it is it is already it's was all i mean all measures of the people all the ball of all if these niggas something like this be neighbors we don't miss the nation also the new rules turkey too and he was one of to the private foundation it was promoting your global's piece but but sir
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but it is you know it's not acceptable and it's feel too good a message through more and more positions and why do you think turkey is so interested in changing regime in syria in the first place. there are other reasons regional reasons the question but also also the global there are you know there's a pressure from the west there's a protrusion from china russia he said this is the chess chess branches board and they don't. you know it is unconditional to the worst scientists and it is really good you know fire on the oil that. it was. easy to get to but only seems obvious no military solution leads exterminate its is to be able to launch something like this and today we had it authorization from the parliament excuse to go month one year border
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beyond border operation namely comes in two thousand and three be experienced. down to i do so only because if used by you move from the government's parliamentary you choose the decision and today if you go to this minute if you dodge it i don't. mean borderless operation of those mission the job the irony is going to be i really don't give you russia the boots to do some majors. in the middle east and beyond this is very bad very bad behavior of the stoma it creates maybe. in the last years given turkey and also also in the neighboring countries these people cannot accept this and i think i hope people who like to use the. organizer of a protest movement called global know as turkey thank you so much for your thoughts on your time on r.t. . and we'll be updating you on how the situation in syria and turkey develops and
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bring you more opinion and analysis in the coming hours. greek riot police have fired tear gas to disperse dozens of protesters trying to storm the country's defense ministry people were injured in the clashes and seventy people were arrested the latest show of theory was staged by shipyard workers who say they haven't been paid for half the year it comes as greece negotiates a fresh cuts package with international lenders in exchange for another cash injection. investment analyst patrick allen says the country's government had no control of the situation. you know the troika are these people who come along and demand cuts they've been coming for the last several years every time they go away they think they've got a deal in the greek side people to stick to it so this time around everybody's finally got to the point where they realize well they might make a deal they might not make a deal but actually we've got all of these facts coming along ridiculous pieces of information and grump research at speed and build in the greek hinterlands with
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money the truth is the greek government is just out of control it is the ultimate vodka addict in a pool of vodka. but while the suits tussle over the numbers it's those with no voice who are increasingly the victims children are paying the price as parents are forced to abandon their own kids because they can't afford to feed or clothe them that story just ahead also. has been a swell in hugo chavez faces his younger challenger in sunday's presidential vote we explore the international media how much job that's doing the rounds the. new hope for russia's military aviation either of them veils a new version of the legendary lucian seventy six play more on that and much more after a short break here on out. tucked
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in between the russian mainland japan and the sun coming island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders zone and was completely restricted to visit is no the spectroscope place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. really has been exploring the deaths on the world seas for several decades but it's here at more your own island where here is finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is the extreme the rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet
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including the island of bali but mine are on top of my list while some go to the sunken region to enjoy the sights others convert the arlen's nature's riches into a healthy dollar in. home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight's shot hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon care we are almost and there's this three hour tribute of a need in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit . and to a large extent this is old to do what cycling offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become a major tourist destination.
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and back to the program you're watching starting it's now only a month left before the u.s. alights its new president barack obama and mitt romney have just made it through their first presidential debate duel but the latest c.n.n. poll shows the incumbent has taken a beating live to washington now and our team is gonna to can guy and how did romney manage to get on top that facts putting obama on the defensive. well kerry mr romney did seem more alert he actually did better than many thought he would considering all his gaffes and misfires in this election campaign he of course took advantage of the fact that the recovery under president obama has been slow the country is running a huge deficit gigantic debt more than sixteen trillion dollars that's one hundred
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four percent of the nation's g.d.p. the president's main argument was that mr romney wants to go back to the same policies that landed the u.s. and the world for that matter in the economic mess four years ago that everybody is still struggling to recover from so there was a lot of back and forth about who's going to be paying for what and how's the both gave different numbers citing different studies at some point you've got to kind of work if using but in general it looked as if one of them was saying he wants to raise taxes and the other one goes no he wants to raise taxes or we need regulation and the other one would say ah you agree so in the context of this debate they agreed on a lot of things but the devil is of course in the details but as they tried to get into details and numbers it got even more confusing. well round one is done and dusted what's up next. we still have two more debates in the coming weeks we'll hear more about the candidates foreign policy vision for now in most states president obama is leading in polls although by
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a very small margin there are going pretty much next to neck but it's important to mention especially to our non american audience that in the us candidates might win the majority of the popular vote and still lose the election because the stock the popular vote is the so-called electoral college that decides the outcome of the presidential election here every state gives the candidates a certain number of points and the winner has to collect this metric number two hundred seventy point even if a candidate loses a state by just say three votes they get zero points that way it's a very peculiar electoral system which. is not really about the will of the majority so not only are the americans stuck with just two choices because it's a two worst race system but they're also not guaranteed to get the president that the majority of american voters cast their votes for one more thing almost half of americans identify themselves as independents that's according to a gallup poll forty percent the fact of the matter is there are other candidates in
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this presidential election but they've been pushed out of these major debates so very few know anything about them they're not even on ballots in all states because different states have different requirements essentially designed to keep it at two or three all right a very clear and concise way to describe the electoral system in america thank you granted to ken in washington. and it's not only about men trying to punch their way to the top of politics all morning we've got the story of an egyptian woman who's got big plans to take on me the political drama of the traditionalist muslim brotherhood. plus america's deadly drones have a new destination in sight watch out libya they could be heading your way soon party dot com has more details. venezuela's two presidential candidates are in the home straight for sunday's election incumbent hugo thomas has been hit by a storm of negative coverage in the international media especially the us south
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american political analyst. says it's no surprise washington wants to see the back chop this. he has taken a stance which is very high use throughout many of these of latin america showing that the united states is. not just in the middle east but world wide and not so much the gravest of are attacked by the united states especially at a time when in two thousand and eight the united states has reactivated the fords south of the land and they know how we have a very strong military presence throughout latin america in the south atlantic just as they have engineered insurrection and civil war which seems to be washington's specialisation now with the so-called arab spring in the theater here in latin america or we will be seeing a latin american spring with different characteristics but where the united states will meddle in the internal affairs of countries like venezuela and they will even trigger an act of a generalized latin american spring this will be turmoil social unrest and even
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civil war us authorities are accusing employees of an electronics company some of who are russian of secretly working for moscow the firms headed by a businessman born in the u.s.s.r. and that's a legit it's a legally funneled fifteen million dollars worth of cutting edge technologies for the russian military moscow is dismissing that it's a spy scandal calling the case purely criminal artist tom barker reports the russian government considers this just a standard criminal case involving business malpractise and doesn't go as far as espionage the company involved on the russian side apex system sais that it only deals in electronic components for civilian use alexander fishing co the executive of the company in the us electronics and ten others have been charged with illegal exporting of electronic components fishing co himself has
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also been charged with operating in the us house and one registered agent of the russian government the legal. exporting according to the indictment began in two thousand and eight involving millions of dollars worth of tiny electronic components in july two thousand and ten u.s. law in four enforcement began surveillance and according to the indictment and prosecutors they heard how the fishing co and his associates used a web of lies to try and evade u.s. export controls including for example telling the suppliers u.s. supply is that components they were buying would be used in traffic lights when in fact they could be used in missiles guidance systems and others would be used for fishing when in fact they could be huge and submarine. was prosecutors say that they have devastating evidence collected against those charged including reportedly
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a letter from. russia's federal security service the f.s.b. complaining of defective components time now for more world news headlines south africa as mining crisis is snowballing with nationwide strikes spreading rapidly and unions refusing to reopen wage talks on thursday the entire industry has been struck by action from furious workers sparked an all guest when a wildcat strike turned deadly at the monte carlo platinum mine police violently dispersed the machete wielding crowd killing thirty four workers that leaders were slow to blame police for the deaths. an explosion that has been as weapons depot in eastern lebanon has killed nine people including members of the shiite group and migrant worker the movement confirmed that the blasts destroyed the four story facility soldiers and has block ordered all for the area blocking all access to
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journalists i don't plummet and struggling to make ends meet are bad enough for any family but angry. parents are having to make the heartbreaking decision to put their children and care it's because they can no longer afford to feed or clothe them peter oliver reports on a charity trying to shield the elf from the crisis. too young to understand why but on the front line of the debt crisis rampant unemployment in greece and the slashing of social benefits has left their parents with money to provide even their most basic of needs for may seem unthinkable has happened these children taken into care. for during the past two years we have seen a large rise in the number of children coming to us because their families can't support them because taxis and prices have risen things like food clothing schooling and housing have become too expensive. before the financial crisis this
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children's village which is run by the organization s.o.'s children usually looked after kids who'd been the victims of abuse now they say almost all new cases are as a result of the debt crisis this center privately funded through donations is also feeling the pinch. we've seen a significant drop off in donations people get what they can but that is getting worse and worse also we are taxed on what we receive making a move a burden to buy things we need like fuel for heating. the charity says there's been a seventy percent increase in requests for help this children's village is home to forty youngsters near to thessaloniki and it's operating at close to maximum capacity i'm a mother who asked not to be identified because of the stigma attached she says she was forced to give up her young daughter after losing her job. it was
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a norful decision to have to make what could i do there was no money and no work i asked her if she thought they would. be reunited as a family you know things are going from bad to worse here it could be ten years before greece is back feet s.o.'s children makes a point of trying to keep youngsters in contact with their biological parents for this family that means one emotional meeting once a month organizations like this one of becoming increasingly important to help protect a generation of children ripped from their families due to greece's financial failings. with the greek government facing having to make fresh cuts of over ten billion euros the children's village expects to be receiving more pleas for help in the future for this mother and daughter the help they get allows them to appreciate the fleeting moments they can spend together peter all of
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a party greece and in a few minutes dimitri has this hour's business update stay with us. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. wealthy british. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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to be civil which brightened. from steve's pressure. starts to dot com. and then welcome to the business updates on out see with me dimitri medvedev new hope for russia's military aviation as it unveils the new illusion for seven six military transport plane basically a remake of the classic seventy six same body but different guts more than one hundred have already been ordered by the military alone and mortars could be coming as you go to school off explains. we're right inside the idea of star aircraft
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factory in the square the brand new we use in seventy six m d ninety are constructed in fact one of them is being assembled as we speak so the two main things we should need to be said about the surprise dispersed of all it's being built on a base of a very well known edition seventy six inches been used for decades and is still widely used by the military and civil aviation in east asia and african nations in fact these planes are still used to deliver supplies to the alliance forces in afghanistan so it's already a very tested and reliable machine three quarters of the new aircraft have. redesigned including the engines the wings avionics the radio navigation equipment which make it go faster further and carry more weight traditionally these planes are several times a less expensive than their western.


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